Well, Cambodian people follow Buddhism about 95% and most of Khmer monks come from rural area. Regarding to monks' life,their family are poor and they don't have enough ability to support their children to go to school.So they decided to let their son to become a Buddhist monk. After they become a monk, they have to learn a basic Dharma for the need of laypoeple. Afther that they start to learn a basic Pali language; they learn by memory and the chief of monks must force them to learn very hard to remember all chanting Dharma and Pali scripts. They eat food two times a day is that in the morning they go to collect arm from house to house until they have enough food to share at the temple.Around 11 am they start to eat their lunch and relax after finished lunch. At the afternoon they start to practice chanting, and focus on their lesson from school. At noon they go to the temple to Namaska to spray for Metta to all living being to get happiness and peaceful. They dedicate their life for Buddhism. After they finished Pali secondary school, they continue to study at the city; their life must meet the obstacle, no place to live, and they don't know anybody or any relative in the city.They need to go to looking for a place to continue to study at the city and they need to bring foods from their homeland to support life.There are a lot of things that I need to say, to describe for the life of monks. Skip for this time and I will continue for the next...... Thanks for reading and I will continue to post more......
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